Hi—I’m Kate Ginnivan.

I help students master AI and excel in their academic journey.

Over the past two decades, I’ve dedicated my life to education, helping students, teachers and small business founders alike to navigate their learning journeys with confidence.

Then, a few years ago, I discovered the transformative power of AI in education.

It changed everything.

So, I set out to revolutionize the way students study, learn, and prepare for their future careers. I developed AIx45—a program designed to empower students to integrate AI into their studies and overcome the challenges of modern academia.

Now, I run a digital education platform that teaches students how to enhance their academic performance, streamline their study routines, and future-proof their careers with AI.

Here Were the Outcomes I Wanted

I aspired to achieve three main outcomes:

1️⃣ Enhanced Learning Efficiency

I wanted to help learners develop better study habits, streamline note-taking processes, and improve their research efficiency.

2️⃣ AI Literacy

I aimed to teach proficiency in AI use, making students more confident, competent and competitive in both academic and professional arenas.

3️⃣ Academic Success

I sought to help students achieve better grades and a deeper understanding of their subjects through proven study and research methods.

Here’s What Changed

The turning point came when I developed a structured, step-by-step approach to integrating AI into an academic routine:

💡 Structured Guidance

I created a comprehensive plan that included daily prompts, mini-trainings, and extension activities to systematically improve AI skills and study habits.

💡 Customized AI Prompts

By using clear, targeted AI prompts, I was able to empower learners to undertake high-quality research, streamline their studies, and manage their time more effectively.

💡 Pilot Testing

I actively taught this structured AI literacy program to a pilot cohort and analyzed their outcomes, feedback and sticking points, providing accountability and encouragement, helping them stay on track and motivated.

Here’s Where I Am Today

Today, I am an educator with a passion for helping students tackle their personal learning journeys with confidence. I combine expertise in AI-driven solutions with captivating communications to empower students and professionals alike, via my digital courses and learning platforms.

Expert in AI Skill Development

I have mastered the use of AI tools and techniques, and I’m dedicated to helping others do the same.

Revolutionizing Learning Strategies

I guide diverse educational settings to adopt time-saving and stress-reducing systems that empower future-proof skill acquisition.

Supporting Learners Globally

I assist learners from all walks of life in adapting, evolving, and excelling with AI skill development.

Here Are The Six Topics I Focus On To Help You Master AI & Excel In Your Studies:

AI Skill Development

Master the use of AI tools
to enhance your study habits and streamline your learning process.

Efficient Study Strategies

Optimize your time
with AI-driven strategies that help you balance your academic workload.

Personalized Learning Plans

Build tailored learning plans
using AI technology to target your unique academic needs.

Research Optimization

Refine your research techniques
with AI-powered resources for deeper insights and better results.

Personal Growth Through AI

Empower yourself with AI skills that not only enhance your studies but also build your confidence and open doors to new opportunities.

Future-Proof Skills

Prepare for a tech-driven future
by mastering the AI tools that are becoming essential in both academic and professional settings.

Let me help you make the leap and excel in your academic journey.

FREEDOM to Study Smarter, Not Harder.

FREEDOM to Focus On What Matters.

FREEDOM to Future-Proof Your Career.

FREEDOM to Uplevel with AI Confidence.

Start Studying with AI Today!

Future-Proof Your Academic Success with AI. 

Join our growing community of students and start your journey with the FREE Start Studying with AI 5-day email course. Get actionable strategies to boost your academic performance and prepare for a tech-driven future.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:

  • Day 1: Overcome the 10 Biggest Fears About AI in Your Studies

  • Day 2: 5 Underrated Reasons Why EVERY STUDENT Should Be Using AI

  • Day 3: The Best Ways to Engage With AI (Without Jeopardizing Your Future)

  • Day 4: 5 Secret Hacks to Step Up Your AI Game

  • Day 5: Avoid the Biggest AI Mistakes Students Make and Excel (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Ready to transform your academic journey? 👇

    Because everyone deserves access to AI learning that matters...

    ©️ Kate Ginnivan. Zing & Moxie Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.